Have fun and relax when you stay at the Apple Avenue motel in Brewster Washington. The peaceful town of Brewster has just the right combination of small town charm and fun activities.Talk to our staff about questions or for advice on what to do once you're here. Go online to check motel availability and reserve your room with Apple Avenue Motel today. We'll see you in Brewster, WA, soon.
16th Hwy 97 North
Brewster, WA 98812
Phone 509-689-3000 / 509-689-0302 ( Press 0 for Manger )
Please Text us at (509) 689 3000
Fax 509-689-0400
We open 24 Hours
Hours : Summer 7Am to 10pm | Winter 8am to 8pm
(Coming late please call make a arrangement )